In our second week of our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Sustainable Environment for the Aquatic Life – SEAL” funded by the European Commission, we cleaned the rocky beach of Kurtkuyusu. We came across a lot of plastic, household items, f
In our second week of our European Solidarity Programme High Priority Areas Volunteer Teams project “Sustainable Environment for the Aquatic Life – SEAL” funded by the European Commission, we cleaned Sarıkum beach. We came across a lot of plastic, household items, shoes and medical wa
Our second week of the European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Sustainable Environment for the Aquatic Life – SEAL” funded by the European Commission started with a snorkelling coastal clean-up in Hamsiyolu. Our volunteers collected a lot of garba
Our first week of the European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Sustainable Environment for the Aquatic Life – SEAL” funded by the European Commission started with team building games. Assoc. Prof. Barış Bayraklı from Sinop University, Department of
Our Italian volunteer Mariasofia Toraldo, who went to India within our ESC Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission and hosted by our Indian partner, Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association (OSVSWA), completed her 9-month volunteering service i
Our Portuguese volunteer Shana Ferreira completed her 8-month service in Uganda within our European Solidarity Corps, Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission, coordinated by us, supported by our Irish partner Viatores Christi Company Limited by Guarantee (VC
Our German volunteer Yunes Abou El Wafa completed his 9-month service in India within our European Solidarity Corps, Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission, coordinated by us, supported by our Irish partner Viatores Christi Company Limited by Guarantee (VC)
Our French volunteer Rodolphe Spoorenberg, who went to India within our ESC Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission and hosted by our Indian partner, Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association (OSVSWA), completed his 9-month volunteering service