The Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Learn, Enjoy by Discovering New Capacities” of our Spanish partner Associacio Alba has been approved by the European Commission and the Spanish National Agency. Ozan Soylemezoglu from EPEKA Turkiye will be the volunteer to w
EPEKA Turkiye is sending 12 high school students from Sinop to Ploieşti, Romania with the student exchange program between 05.07.2015 – 13.07.2015. During the visit, the youngsters will meet their peers and exchange their culture and language.
“Let’s talk about the EVS” Erasmus+ KA1 Training Course of our Irish partner Fishbowl Youth has been accepted by the Irish National Agency Léargas the Exchange Bureaudevelop and the European Commission. There will be two European Voluntary Service workers from EPEKA
Dilara Gulenc, who is from Sinop, has returned home from Slovenia after completing her Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service for two months. Here are the photos from her camera. If you are between 17 – 30
Between 12 – 22 June 2015, EPEKA Turkiye is taking 10 students from Sinop Anatolian High School, Sinop Teacher High School, Sinop Science High School to Ion Barbu High School in Bucharest, Romania, which were in Sinop in April. In this student exchange Turkish youngsters will ta
The Earsmus+ KA1 Mobility of Youth Workers Project “inFormal”, which will have two phases, first one will be between 8 – 16 September 2015 in Rustov Russian Federation and the second one will be between 6 – 14 December 2015 in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic has
For our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “It’s Your Turn” that Sahipsiz Hayvanlari Koruma ve Yasatma Dernegi – an animal welfare organisation – is coordinating and EPEKA Turkiye is hosting, our 5th volunteer Jasa Rajsek is coming to Sinop from
The certificates of successful completion of the women who attended in the 252-hour English courses which took 2 years under our EU Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project “Working on Women – WOW” were given by Mr. Mayor Baki Ergul and Mr. Deputy Governor Mehme