Photos from the participants of EPEKA Turkiye of “Disable the Label” the Erasmus + youth exchange project, aiming of inclusion of the disabled people, which took place in Zilina, Slovakia between 28 August – 6 September 2014.
EPEKA Turkiye was in Cesis, Latvia between 19 – 21 September 2014 for the Advanced Planning Visit of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Emotion Explosion”. The project coordinator of our association, Oktay Kuru, and our young volunteer, Ayça Açıkgöz, participated i
The Erasmus + Mobility of Youth Workers project “For-Ex” of EPEKA Turkiye and its partners: EPEKA from Slovenia, EPEKA from Armenia, Asocijacija NEL from Macedonia, NECI from Cyprus, Youth Association DRONI from Georgia, Scambieuropei from Italy, Volleyball Club Teteven Vo
Julio Navarro Rubio is coming to Sinop, Turkey, sending by Associació Alba from Spain, between 19.09.2014 – 16.11.2014 under the Erasmus + European Voluntary Service project “It’s Your Turn” which will be coordinated by Sahipsiz Hayvanlari Koruma ve Yasatma Der
EPEKA Turkiye had a workshop on EU Youth and Volunteering opportunities in Biennial between 22 – 23 July 2014. Mahmut Kupeli form Tasev Training Culture and Youth Association in Gaziantep, Frank from Sinopale team in Sinop, Bledi Cami from Family and Social Policies Ministr
Volunteers of EPEKA Turkiye supported the works of the Swiss artists, Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza and Daniel Hauser in Sinopale 5. The fifth Sinop Biennial. The works of the artists who worked with our volunteers are on display in the exhibition in the old post office building until 31
The European Voluntary Service project “Increasing personal skills and talents in an international and intercultural field” of our Luxembourgish partner, Lisel asbl- Lieu d’initiatives et de services aux étudiants au Luxembourg has been approved by the European Commission
Under our Grundtvig project WOW, we had an opportunity to chat with the female farmers of Sinop and filmed our interview during the project meeting 24 – 30 June 2014 in Sinop. Here is our film: “The Female Farmers of Sinop”