Erasmus+ Training Course “Ecotopia” applied by our Italian partner, Mobility Opportunities Happening APS were held in Giovinazzo, Italy between 30 May – 5 June 2024, with participants from Italy, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Greece, Morocco, Portugal and Georgia, includin
Our Spanish volunteer Carlota Masó Giralt, who went to India within our ESC Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission and hosted by our Indian partner, Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association (OSVSWA), completed her 8-month volunteering service
Within our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Ace of Cups”, accepted by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), our photo exhibition and our documentary films about the flood disaster which happened in Ayancık on 11 Augus
Within our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Ace of Cups”, accepted by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), our documentary film about the flood disaster which happened in Ayancık on 11 August 2021 will be screened at
The Erasmus+ Training Course “Ecotopia” of our Italian partner, Mobility Opportunities Happening APS will take place in Giovinazzo, Italy between 30 May – 5 June 2024. Raising awareness in the field of environmental problems and sustainability will be discussed with 3 youth work
Our French volunteer Lucas Magrans completed his 9-month service in India within our European Solidarity Corps, Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission, coordinated by us, supported by our Irish partner Viatores Christi Company Limited by Guarantee (VC) and
The Erasmus+ Mobility of Youth Workers project “ESC Gathering” of our Czech partner Asociace neformalniho vzdelavani, z.s., took place in Loutí Ecocentre, Czech Republic between 24 – 29 April 2024. In the training course, which involved participants from Albania, Arm
We visited Mr. Mayor Metin Gürbüz of Sinop Municipality with our partners from Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Spain, Portugal and Jordan on the 18th April 2024 within the scope of our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Sustainable Environm