The first essay of the Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “It’s Your Turn” of the Association of Protection and Sustenance of Stray Animals as the coordinator and the Associ
The Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange project “Today he, tomorrow it can be you” of our sister organisation EPEKA Slovenia has been approved by the European Commission and the Slovenian National
EPeKa Turkiye was in the Sinopale Forum between 15 – 17 January 2016. In the afternoon session on 16 January, Saturday, our president, Irem Ebru Kuru took part as a speaker and talked about the
Our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Give Me Your Hand” which will be hosted by EPEKA Turkiye and coordinated by the Association of Protection and Sustenance of Stray Animals h
The Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of Youth Workers project “LTTC Informal” of our Czech partner KURO Hradec Králové was held in Rostov the Great in Russian Federation between 8 – 16 Septembe
You should read the sincere article that our volunteer, Sundus Ozturk, who went to Poland for Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service.