Ace of Cups – Documentary Film

Within our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Ace of Cups”, accepted by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), our documentary film about the flood disaster which happened in Ayancık on 11 August 2021 will be screened at
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Maria tells her story in Uganda

Maria Silenzi, our volunteer who went to Uganda with our ESC Humanitarian Aid Volunteering project “HAND”, coordinated and sent by EPEKA and hosted by Viatores Christi’s Uganda office, tells his story.
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Project Film of “Ace of Cups”

Watch our film, which shows the activities of our European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “Ace of Cups”, funded by the European Commission, which took place with 42 volunteers in Ayancık between 11 and 26 July 2023.  
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IPlan-et 2nd Flow Overview

There were 10 Turkish and 12 Tunisian young people participated as volunteers in the second flow of our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas Project “IPlan-et”, which has been granted by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) an
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2021 Guide to Conquering Fake News

You can reach the 2021 Guide to Conquering Fake News, which we made it for you not to be exposed to the fake news with our Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the Youth Field project SLAM, through the below link.
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Fake or Fact?

How accurate are the news we hear or read in the media? Can you distinguish between fake news and real news? Do you think you are a good media literate? Have you ever asked yourself questions in this area? If you click on the link, take the survey on the website we have made to increa
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We have a Humanitarian Aid Quality Label!

EPEKA has a Humanitarian Aid Quality Label! We will hold humanitarian aid activities to the third countries by applying for the Humanitarian Aid projects under the European Solidarity Corps with the certificate given by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) i
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Short Film “IPlan-et”

It’s the short movie which was directed by Deniz Selçuk Sevgi, the volunteer in the first flow of our Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project “IPlan-et” of which the hosting organisation is our Tunisian partner, the Association Solidarite Echange et Develop
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IPlan-et 1st Flow Overview

A short overview of the first flow of our European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas Project “IPlan-et”, which has been granted by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and our Tunisian partner, the Association Solidarite Echange et
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How to make a tower out of empty cans? – Tamer Toghoj

You can watch the video which shows how to make our towers, which Tamer, who is our volunteer of our European Solidarity Corps project “Spread Your Wings”, and other volunteers made to be sold in favour of stray animals.  
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