Burhan’s impressions of Bosnia

Here are the impressions of Burhan Satır, who went to Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities – BRAVO in Sarajevo with our European Solidarity Corps project “A Place I Know” for short term: I went to Sarajevo from Turkey at the beginning of Marc
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Postively Different Short Film Festival – Online

Don’t miss (Online) Postively Different Short Film Festival between 19 – 28 March 2021, which has been organised by our Greek partner Interalia! The link: https://www.positively-different.net/
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Watch Fatima’s interview

Fatima Benmessaoud, from Morocco, who came to Sinop with our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Life Goes On”, couldn’t leave Sinop. She stayed here. First she worked as an English teacher at Bahçeşehir College. Later she started working in Sinop University
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Sales for the Stray Animals

Our association is organising sales to donate all the income to the Association of Protection and Sustenance of Stray Animals on the corner of Sakarya Street and Kibris Street between 18 – 22 November 2019. This call for everyone who is sensitive to the stray animals!
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Our Volunteer Ozgur Baris Akin on TV in Slovakia!

Our volunteer Ozgut Baris Akin, who went to Slovakia with our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Make it happen” and Mehmet Guclu, who went to Slovakia with Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Clusters and Crystals” of the Association of Prot
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Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service in Sinop

This film has been made with the support of Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service Program, the Turkish National Agency, Municipality of Sinop, the Association of Protection and Sustanance of Stray Animals, the Association Educational Programs and International and Cultural Activities, t
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“You are my leader” is in SALTO!

“You are my leader” game, which we generated for our Erasmus+ Mobility of Youth Workers training course “NGO Management and Administration”, has been published in SALTO. Leaders should have some certain skills such as decision making, critical thinking, conflic
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We are in the Italian media!

The article of Silvia Calvi, our Italian volunteer of our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Come As You Are” is in the Italian media. The following channels have published Silvia’s article about her EVS in Sinop, Turkey. http://www.casateonline.it/articolo
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Love and Change the World

(Our Italian volunteer Silvia Calvi, who worked with the disabled people between September – November 2017 in Sinop with our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project “Come As You Are” put her feelings towards Turkey in words and shared with us after she went back
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Kermess for our stray friends

Our association is organising a kermess to donate all the income to the Association of Protection and Sustenance of Stray Animals between 2 – 6 December 2017 in Sinop. Everybody is invited to the kermess with 2nd hand clothes and accessories.  
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