Have a look at the latest photos of our volunteer, Berfu Yuksel, who is doing her European Voluntary Service on incusion of the disabled people in Tarrega, Spain. European Voluntary Service (EVS) is an opportunity for the people aged between 17 – 30. Besides this age range, no
According to the Life Satisfaction Survey of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the 77,7% of the people in Sinop said “I’m happy” and with this indicator it became the happiest city in Turkey. We searched the reasons in our “WOW” project with our partners
The two issues of “WO.men” magazine of our Greek partner Civis Plus’s Youth in Action project “Women Marching Equal Network” have been published and arrived to our organisation. In the magazine, there are articles about participation of women in politics,
The news of our EU Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project “WOW” is in the following link. http://www.haberler.com/ab-projesi-yemek-kurslari-sona-erdi-6129641-haberi/
Cooking courses of our Grundtvig Project “Working on Women – WOW” started. The courses will be given for two months by the instructor, Handan Yılmazer, who is also working for the Adult Education Center.
EPEKA Turkiye sends Berfu Yuksel to Spain to do her volunteering in Associacio Alba for 8 months under the European Voluntary Service Program. Our volunteer is going to join the activities in the rehabilitation center with disabled people in Tarrega and learn Spanish and Catalonian. E
The tool “Mesage in a Bottle” which was generated by the president of EPEKA Turkiye, Irem Ebru Kuru, for the project “Message in a Bottle” of Sinop Offshore Sailing Club is online at SALTO-YOUTH. https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toolbox/tool/message-in-a-bott
As we mentioned earlier that in the EVS project “This is Ability”, coordinated by Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği, EPEKA Turkiye has been hosting the Slovenian volunteer Tadeja Zupanc, whose sending organisation is EPEKA Slovenia. Tadeja Zupanc has been worki
EPEKA Türkiye, 10 Ekime 2013 tarihinde Ankara, Dedeman Otel’de düzenlenen 2013 Grundtvig Öğrenme Ortaklıkları Başlangıç Toplantısı’na katıldı. Toplantıda 2013 yılında kabul edilmiş ve hibe almış Grundtvig Öğrenme Ortaklığı proje sahiplerine projelerin yürütülmesiyle ilgili
EPEKA Türkiye, Progress EVS III eğitim kursu için Ecovillage Torri, İtalya’daydı. 23 – 28 temmuz tarihlerinde Ecovillage Torri’de gerçekleşen eğitim kursu Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti veren kuruluşların mentorlerinin yeterliliklerini geliştirmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Mento