Lithuanian young people are coming to Sinop! Lithuanian young people are going to meet their peers in Sinop with our 2019 Student Exchange Program between 3 – 9 September 2019. During the progra
Our 15 young people met their Lithuanian peers with our Student Exchange Program with Ziezmariai Gymnasium in Lithuania between 7 – 15 June 2019. During the exchange they got to know each other
Desirèe Giglia from Italy is coming to Sinop with our Erasmus+ Volunteering project “Here I am”. Desirèe will play fun games for cognitive and psychomotor development of the disabled child
The Erasmus+ Mobility of Youth Workers Training Course “Sports for All” of our Portuguese partner ProAtlantico took place in Porto Salvo between 21 – 29 July 2019. The training cours
The Erasmus+ Training Course “ESCalator” of our Czech partner Asociace neformálního vzdělávání- ANEV has been approved by the European Commission and the Czechia National Agency. In the tr
The European Solidarity Corps project “Changing the World from my Neighbourhood” of our Croatian partner Centar za osobni i profesionalni razvoj Syncro – Synergy Croatia has been approved